How to put background image in html w3schools
How to put background image in html w3schools

how to put background image in html w3schools
  1. #How to put background image in html w3schools how to#
  2. #How to put background image in html w3schools code#

In this example, we are repeating the linear gradient using repeating-linear-gradient() functions and setting it as the background image.īackground-image: repeating-linear-gradient(red, blue 20%, green 30%) red, blue & green) and setting it as the background image.īackground-image: linear-gradient(red, blue, green)

how to put background image in html w3schools

Here we are creating a linear-gradient using three colors(i.e. red & yellow) and setting it as the background image.īackground-image: linear-gradient(red, yellow) Here we are creating a linear-gradient using two colors(i.e. We are targeting the bg-image class to apply the background properties to the webpage.įont-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif In this example, we are creating bg-image with various background properties such as image, color, position & repeat. We are using background-repeat to do so.īackground-image: url("bg2.jpg"), url("bg3.png") Here we are trying to add couple of background images wherein the first image will appear only one time and the second image will be repeated.

#How to put background image in html w3schools how to#

Now let’s execute some of the examples to understand how to use CSS property values.

  • inherit: Inherits this property from its parent element.
  • initial: Sets the property to its default value.
  • repeating-radial-gradient(): Repeats a radial gradient.
  • repeating-linear-gradient(): Repeats a linear gradient.
  • radial-gradient(): Sets a radial gradient as the background image.
  • linear-gradient(): Sets a linear gradient as the background image.
  • In case of more than one image, comma-separated list needs be provided. Now before understanding how we can use different CSS property values, let’s look at the list of CSS property values associated with the background image. The reason why it is preferred to keep a background color is that if the image is unavailable, so the background-color property will be used and the same will be displayed. The background image by default is added to the left corner & is repeated both ways, i.e. You can also go ahead and add two background images for the element.īackground-image: url("bg3.png"), url("bg1.jpg") Moving on with this article on Background Image In HTML In the below example, we are specifying the background-image & background-color CSS property which will set the background image & background property for the HTML body respectively. We will also look how to target div tag and class using CSS.

    #How to put background image in html w3schools code#

    In all the examples, we will be defining the CSS code inside the tag. Later moving ahead, we will look at different CSS properties using which we can change the look & feel of the webpage. Let us first understand how we can add background image in a webpage using CSS. Using CSS properties, we can also add background image in a webpage. The background attribute which we specified in the tag is not supported in HTML5. The most common & simple way to add background image is using the background image attribute inside the tag. In this blog we will understand how we can add background images in a webpage using HTML & CSS. One of such ways is adding background image. There are various ways in which images can be added to a web page to make it look captivating & appealing. Moving on with this article on Background Image In HTML Background Image In HTML The following pointers will be covered in this article: Adding a Background Image in HTML is one of the most common tasks when you are working on Web Designing.

    How to put background image in html w3schools